GRP Financial Services (Sallie Mae) REO Properties

GRP is a Sallie Mae company according to the website. The have a beautiful visual map of the united states for searching their REOs. The map actually populated the map with the number of REO properties available for each state. At the time of this writing, GRP has listings in almost all 50 states except two. There was a problem with it connecting to the database to show us the listings. They do have a email listed so I would just contact them directly and have them send you an excel spreadsheet.

Bank REO Info:

GRP Financial Services Corp. is a White Plains, N.Y.-based firm that specializes in the acquisition and servicing of performing, scratch and dent and distressed residential mortgage loan pools. GRP is part of the Sallie Mae family of companies.

GRP maintains an inventory of homes for sale located throughout the United States. Owner occupants, first time homebuyers and investors are invited to click below to review a current list of available properties for sale.


GRP Bank Owned


One Response to “GRP Financial Services (Sallie Mae) REO Properties”
  1. John says:

    Any idea why this website is no longer working? Have they moved the listings elsewhere???